
House Affordability Calculator

salary + other incomes (before tax)
long-term debts, car, student loan, etc
% per year
% per year
% per year


You can afford a house up to ฿0 according to the % rule,

within which ฿0 is the loan and ฿0 is the down payment. Most conventional loan lenders use the % rule.

You can borrow:
Total price of the house :
Down payment :
Estimated closing cost (one time, assume 3%) :
Front-end debt-to-income (DTI) ratio :
Back-end debt-to-income (DTI) ratio :
Total one-time payment at closing :
Monthly mortgage payment :
Annual property tax :
Annual HOA or co-op fee :
Annual insurance cost :
Estimated annual maintenance cost (repair, utility etc., assume 1.5%) :
Total monthly cost on the house :